Integral Business Foruim Incubator Program

The Integral Business Forum Incubation Program is a business support process that accelerates the successful development of start-up and fledgling companies that are based on the principles and ideas developed in the school's Global Executive Stewardship Program. The primary goal will be to develop and launch innovative business models into the global market place with the intention that these organizations will be seed companies, offering examples of how businesses can thrive while sustaining the global environment.
The Incubator Program provides entrepreneurs with an array of targeted resources and services. These services are usually developed or orchestrated by incubator management and offered both in the business incubator and through its network of contacts. A business incubator’s main goal is to produce sustainable, community-friendly firms that will leave the program financially viable and freestanding. These incubator graduates have the potential to create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods, commercialize new technologies, and strengthen local and national economies.
Critical to the definition of an incubator is the provision of management guidance, technical assistance and consulting tailored to young growing companies. Incubators usually also provide clients access to appropriate rental space and flexible leases, shared basic business services and equipment, technology support services and assistance in obtaining the financing necessary for company growth.
Incubators vary in the way they deliver their services, in their organizational structure and in the types of clients they serve. Highly adaptable, incubators have differing goals, including diversifying economies, providing employment for and increasing wealth of depressed inner cities, and transferring technology from universities and major corporations. Incubator clients are at the forefront of developing new and innovative technologies – creating products and services that improve the quality of our lives in communities around the world.